Sunday, February 17, 2008

New Gossip : Roger Clemens takes steroids ?

There has been a huge debate going on over whether or not Roger Clemens has used steroids. This controversy is putting his entire baseball career into question, due to the fact that the use of steroids is illegal in this sport. Is this just a rumor? Or did this famous baseball celebrity really use steroids? Many say they see signs of steroid effects, such as rages and the fact that he hasen't gotten worn out as he got older. Although we take these accounts into considertion, we really don't know if he did use them. His trainer, Brain McNamee has claimed his use of steroids , insisting that he hsa clear evidence. He has needles of his steroids usage dating back to 1998. This statement appauls me , because I find it very odd that he would save used needles for ten years. This makes the story even more suspicious. In fact, I find this whole ongoing debate completely absurd and ridiculous. There are crimes and wars and terrible incidents occurring in our world that are of much greater importance than this. I am aware that steroids are illegal in baseball, but in my opinion it is being blown out of proportion.Sadly, it has become one of the biggest and most populous stories occurring in our nation. How retarded!! It's quite sickening how Americans are more concerned if a celebrity sticks a needle in his body to increase his performance at baseball, while thousands of soldiers are being killed in Iraq. It just goes to show how powerful gossip really is.