Sources claim that Lindsay Lohan has signed a contract to play a sex-addicted waitress in a new movie called "Florence." What shocks me the most is that she is only getting paid $75,000 for the part. From my knowledge, actors and actresses usually get paid a much larger amount than that. I wonder why she agreed to such a small pay. I am also curious to see how successful the movie is. Perhaps, it will be a future Oscar rewarding movie. From what I have watched, Lindsay Lohan is a good actress. I loved her in the movie "Parent Trap", but then again that was in the early 1990's before she was a drug addict, psycho, anorexic, lost soul. However, Lindsay Lohan claims that what she is aiming for now is to indeed ,win an Oscar. She is getting agitated with the press and media and wants to focus more on her work oppossed to just partying and being on the front page for going out and having a good time. She stated in an interview :“The thing about the press and why they need to leave me the [bleep] alone for a little bit is because I don’t want that distraction from my work. I want to get a nomination. I want to win an Oscar. I want to be known for more than, like, going out. For being ‘the party girl.’ I hate that. I bust my [bleep] when I’m filming, and when I gave time off, yeah, I like to go out and dance.” Evidently, she wants to be noticed more for her talents, not her social life. Regarding this, Lohan states “No. I mean, I’ve been acting my whole life. And this is what I love to do. And I’m very lucky and blessed to be able to do that. I’m 20 years old. Is it a crime to go … dancing with your friends? I have a life and I have my family and I have work and I have those three things.” I kinda do feel a little bad for her. Regardless of all the mistakes she's made in life and the bad choices and obstacles she has faced, she has grown to be mature and knows whats she wants. I mean we all love to go out and party and have a good time and I don't believe she should be criticized for what she does in her leisure time. When it comes to work, she does get the job done. I do hope her new movie is a success and I plan to see it upon its arrival.