Tuesday, April 15, 2008
"The Crazy Lady"
It's truly amazing how one person can change your whole perspective on life. I was working the other day in the mall and this weird lady approached me. Dressed in tight leggings with a baggy t-shirt, socks and sandals with a cup in her hand chewing on a lemon. Her hair was a mess; her face wrinkled and worn out. She came up to me simple telling me that she liked my outfit and said it was very "city like" which is where she grew up. We then begn conversating about my job and school and she suddenly began telling me the story of her life. I stood their in amazement as she told me all the crazy and tragic things she has experienced throughout her life. Born as an only child to a young mother, she grew up in the ghetto area of the city after being abondoned by her father who was a heavy druggie and alcoholic. Her mom then met a successful business man who had tons of money. He took care of her and her mother moving them into a luxury apartment in the upper side of the city. There she lived for many years enjoying great wealth and living the ultimate "city life."Unforunately, her mom's new boyfriend passed away and all his possessions were given to his sister. From there she and her mother moved to Staten Island and got a decent size house in Annadale back in the 1970's. Years later she met a fireman and was soon to be married and gave birth to her first child, a baby girl who is currently twenty three. To her luck, her husband left her and her infant daughter for a eighteen year old prostitute. How abusurd is that? She moved back in with her mother and daughter. A few years later she met a new man and fell madly in love with him. Turns out he becomes a sick durg addict and an abusive husband. Due to the issues she was left to face with this man she gave up custody of her daughter to a good friend. Now many years later she lives on welfare without any job and struggles with her husband who till this day still abuses her. She showed me marks that he left on her and told me horrid stories of what he has done to her. She tried to start a relationship with her daughter gain, however she rejects her. Her daughter wants nothing to do with her and still doesn't forgive her for abondoning her at a young age.This woman and I had such a deep conversation for an hour and I must say I do admire her for all she has been through. She now lives in poverty and just tries to get through each day. She says the only thing she has is her power or writing. She is currently in the process of writing an autobiography called "Torn Between" tracing back to all the events of her life. The book will most definetly be aspiring and will appeal to many struggling women. Whether its ever published or not, I hope this women knows that she has made an incredible impact on me and has inspired me deeply. She has also shown me the importance of writing and how it can keep one going.