Sunday, April 27, 2008

Don't under-estimate the power of a blog!

We live in a society today that is greatly influenced and overpowered by the media and pop culture. It’s not difficult to see that our world is extremely obsessed with celebrities and gossip. I cannot recall a time reading a newspaper or watching the news and not seeing anything about a famous star. Sadly, Celebrity news has become prevalent in the average American’s life. When Celebrities experience a scandal or a big Hollywood break up, we all need to know every detail about it. By the media making this juicy gossip so easily accessible, in some ways it has become quite addicting. As a result, I thought it would be very interesting to make my blog page reflect upon the interdependence of Celebrity life and American culture. Through maintaining a blog site, I feel that my writing skills have improved and gotten stronger. This is because writing became something I had to do several times a week in order to keep my page up to date. Furthermore, I feel I gain a sense of imagination and creativity. I aimed to make the design of my page flashy and attention grabbing. What I liked about it most in regards to writing, was the capability to write blogs in both an objective and subjective manner. I was able to discuss what was going on in Hollywood and add my own feelings and reactions towards it. I believe that writing blogs is a good method to practice writing and help you develop ideas more clearly. Furthermore, I felt it allowed us facilitate communication between the readers and ourselves by providing us with access to a larger audience platform. I enjoyed that fact that my site brought out my personality and my views. I discovered that Celebrity life does affect me too. After all, I created an entire blog site about it.The benefits of blog writing are endless. As a result of maintaining my “Glamour Gossip” blog site, I improved many of my skills and learned a lot about myself and my beliefs. I am grateful that I was capable of expressing myself. Blog writing is not only fun, but can impact your life tremendously. It lets your mind wander off into a world of ideas, expressions and beliefs. There’s no matter way to account for what you are thinking than to write it down. I hope my Blog site has been entertaining to its readers and after a great experience with my site I plan to continue to maintain it. I would encourage anyone to write a blog .I couldn’t sum up my feelings on blogging in any better way than restating this quote by Beth Kephart “Blogging is a treasure hunt for the imagination where one combines heart, soul and insights on a quest to write the illusive perfect post.” So upon up your mind, search through your imagination, and find the golden chest.

Like Mother Like Daughter

It is sad to think, but sometimes people turn out the way they do because of their parents. Family sets the foundation for your life and can have a huge impact on the person you become. Lindsey Lohan appears to not have the best parents, when sources claim her and her mother Dina were out till 530 am partying. I'm not saying that a mother and daughter can't go out and enjoy a night together,but to get excessively drunk and sloppy in front of your daughter who already has problems to begin with is not really admirable. It doesn't help when your mother acts like she twenty two and tries to be your best friend, and your father is getting out of jail in a few weeks. What does Lindsey really have to look up to? To me Dina and Lindsey look like white trash trailing around New York City hungover and entirely impaired. It makes me wonder that the explanation for her wild behavior is genetics. Her mother acts so improper and "slutty" in New York City resturants, according to the New York daily news, who has seen her being improperly touched by a random man while wearing a skimpy black dress. I just don't get some people's parents skills. You see your daughter has serious issues. She went from being a promising child hood star to a drug addict, sloppy, complete and utter failure. Yet, her mother still condones going out and partying instead of encouraging her to get her life back on track. I can honestly say that in a girls life, her mother has the greatest influence and impact on her. She is the one in which you gain your morals and values. I think her mother manipulates Lindsey and is not a good role model at all. I don't understand why mothers can't be mothers and not try to be their daughters best friend. I mean c'mon Dina was twenty years old twenty five years ago. You have to grow up some time and learn to act your age. Going out and getting hamered with your daughter, especially when you know the potpourouzzi is going to be everywhere, why would you make a fool of yourself? Every step Lindsey takes is photographed and reported on TV. I don't know why Dina would be stupid enough to act like an idiot, as if it won't be all over the new tomorrow. She is just providing the media with more gossip. Dina needs to realize that she is a mother and start taking responsibilitiy for her own actions and learn to be a parent. She should be ashamed of herself, she is making her daughters reputation even worse!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Everything But Music!

I'm driving to school this morning at 8:30 am. I attempt to put on a good song by switching back to my favorite stations such as Z100, Power 105, KTU and Hot 97. But of course nothing is playing on the radio but stupid commercials and the commentators talking to one another saying all this stuff trying to be funny. Listen , nobody wants to hear about your life as an announcer we want to listen to music! A good song! What I really love is how they have these "commercial free" sessions but then once there over theres an hour of "music free" sessions. This just gets me so angry. The point of an FM station is to listen to music. I like listeing to music while I'm driving to work or school. I don't wanna hear that Nissan is having a sale or go to Sleepy's for bed matresses. I want to hear the hot new songs. Isn't that what a radio channel is about? Hearing music, being able to just jam out to Z100, rap to Power 105 or relax to 106.7 lite fm is what the purpose of having these radio stations are. There's a radio station that suites everyone's taste and interest. I would just like it if I could hear more music and less of the commentators. You even see this on Television. Every five minutes your favorite TV show goes on a break to yet another few minutes of commercials. This just really gets to me. Why can't these lame commentators just be quiet and do there job which is to :Play Music! I don't feel like cruising around to commericals, its so ridiculous!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"The Crazy Lady"

It's truly amazing how one person can change your whole perspective on life. I was working the other day in the mall and this weird lady approached me. Dressed in tight leggings with a baggy t-shirt, socks and sandals with a cup in her hand chewing on a lemon. Her hair was a mess; her face wrinkled and worn out. She came up to me simple telling me that she liked my outfit and said it was very "city like" which is where she grew up. We then begn conversating about my job and school and she suddenly began telling me the story of her life. I stood their in amazement as she told me all the crazy and tragic things she has experienced throughout her life. Born as an only child to a young mother, she grew up in the ghetto area of the city after being abondoned by her father who was a heavy druggie and alcoholic. Her mom then met a successful business man who had tons of money. He took care of her and her mother moving them into a luxury apartment in the upper side of the city. There she lived for many years enjoying great wealth and living the ultimate "city life."Unforunately, her mom's new boyfriend passed away and all his possessions were given to his sister. From there she and her mother moved to Staten Island and got a decent size house in Annadale back in the 1970's. Years later she met a fireman and was soon to be married and gave birth to her first child, a baby girl who is currently twenty three. To her luck, her husband left her and her infant daughter for a eighteen year old prostitute. How abusurd is that? She moved back in with her mother and daughter. A few years later she met a new man and fell madly in love with him. Turns out he becomes a sick durg addict and an abusive husband. Due to the issues she was left to face with this man she gave up custody of her daughter to a good friend. Now many years later she lives on welfare without any job and struggles with her husband who till this day still abuses her. She showed me marks that he left on her and told me horrid stories of what he has done to her. She tried to start a relationship with her daughter gain, however she rejects her. Her daughter wants nothing to do with her and still doesn't forgive her for abondoning her at a young age.This woman and I had such a deep conversation for an hour and I must say I do admire her for all she has been through. She now lives in poverty and just tries to get through each day. She says the only thing she has is her power or writing. She is currently in the process of writing an autobiography called "Torn Between" tracing back to all the events of her life. The book will most definetly be aspiring and will appeal to many struggling women. Whether its ever published or not, I hope this women knows that she has made an incredible impact on me and has inspired me deeply. She has also shown me the importance of writing and how it can keep one going.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Daily Aged Celebrities- How Pathetic

I was reading the daily news, and I come across the entertainment section. I love reading this section because it always has something scandalous or some juicy new gossip to read up on. Suprisingly what I came across was digitally aged photos of a variety of celebrities. This is truly so pathetic. Who would honestly waste their time to see what famous stars will look like in their future years. I mean it is hysterical, but so uneccessary. People really need to start doing better things with their time. The press never fails to amuse me. Everday they just prove how more and more obcessed they are with celebrities. Well, you can take a look to:

Paris Hilton

Derek Jeter

Play Hard, Work Harder!

Sources claim that Lindsay Lohan has signed a contract to play a sex-addicted waitress in a new movie called "Florence." What shocks me the most is that she is only getting paid $75,000 for the part. From my knowledge, actors and actresses usually get paid a much larger amount than that. I wonder why she agreed to such a small pay. I am also curious to see how successful the movie is. Perhaps, it will be a future Oscar rewarding movie. From what I have watched, Lindsay Lohan is a good actress. I loved her in the movie "Parent Trap", but then again that was in the early 1990's before she was a drug addict, psycho, anorexic, lost soul. However, Lindsay Lohan claims that what she is aiming for now is to indeed ,win an Oscar. She is getting agitated with the press and media and wants to focus more on her work oppossed to just partying and being on the front page for going out and having a good time. She stated in an interview :“The thing about the press and why they need to leave me the [bleep] alone for a little bit is because I don’t want that distraction from my work. I want to get a nomination. I want to win an Oscar. I want to be known for more than, like, going out. For being ‘the party girl.’ I hate that. I bust my [bleep] when I’m filming, and when I gave time off, yeah, I like to go out and dance.” Evidently, she wants to be noticed more for her talents, not her social life. Regarding this, Lohan states “No. I mean, I’ve been acting my whole life. And this is what I love to do. And I’m very lucky and blessed to be able to do that. I’m 20 years old. Is it a crime to go … dancing with your friends? I have a life and I have my family and I have work and I have those three things.” I kinda do feel a little bad for her. Regardless of all the mistakes she's made in life and the bad choices and obstacles she has faced, she has grown to be mature and knows whats she wants. I mean we all love to go out and party and have a good time and I don't believe she should be criticized for what she does in her leisure time. When it comes to work, she does get the job done. I do hope her new movie is a success and I plan to see it upon its arrival.